Vocalion SACDs & the Value of '78s


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Forum Curmudgeon
Staff member
Since 2002/2003
Mar 2, 2002
Holy Smokes. Hold on to those SACDs. The 78's are leading the market today! (US $23,855.55)
In 50 years, that Breakaway SACD could easily top this one!

... I have all my late father's 78s he asked me to look after years ago when my parents downsized to a smaller house. I have nothing to play them on, but I can't get rid of them. I looked at them a few days ago, loads of Fats Waller, and some crazy stacked classical you load on an auto-player, in order, then flip the whole stack over to play the rest of the piece!
... I have all my late father's 78s he asked me to look after years ago when my parents downsized to a smaller house. I have nothing to play them on, but I can't get rid of them. I looked at them a few days ago, loads of Fats Waller, and some crazy stacked classical you load on an auto-player, in order, then flip the whole stack over to play the rest of the piece!

Yikes, imagine Waller in DOLBY FATMOS?

See the source image
... I have all my late father's 78s he asked me to look after years ago when my parents downsized to a smaller house. I have nothing to play them on, but I can't get rid of them. I looked at them a few days ago, loads of Fats Waller, and some crazy stacked classical you load on an auto-player, in order, then flip the whole stack over to play the rest of the piece!

My Dad's favorite artist, Fats Waller. I remember when CDs came out in the '80s I searched and searched for Fats Waller CD imports and got him a CD player to play them. Freaked him out.

I remember he had a box set of Fat's which had this huge picture of his head, all zoomed in and in blue. Scared the shit out of me whenever I looked at it (When I was like 6 or 7). This big blue smiling head! That box set is probably worth something today but all of his records got tossed before I could get there right before he left to join Fats......

I think they're "somewhere" with my baseball cards! :)

EDIT: Here's the "Blue Head" LP. Not sure why it scared me, he looks rather friendly now.

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One small problem....a LOT of us won't be alive in 50 years :( :rolleyes:o_O:cautious::unsure:

I'd be 117 years old. It would not be worth it just to cash in on an SACD. At that age, I mean, what's the point? Even if you made it that far you'd be hooked up to tubes and devices to control your input and output. Who needs that? Check me out when I can't do that kind of stuff on my own.
My Dad's favorite artist, Fats Waller. I remember when CDs came out in the '80s I searched and searched for Fats Waller CD imports and got him a CD player to play them. Freaked him out.

I think they're "somewhere" with my baseball cards! :)

EDIT: Here's the "Blue Head" LP. Not sure why it scared me, he looks rather friendly now.

View attachment 53155

You got me at baseball cards :SB

But yeah , when Snood set up an Alexa thingy for my mom, she thought it was a real person and treated it like a real person. She got used to it, but was like wow...........us youngens right Jon? :LB
And lo and behold, according to eBay: 'bidding has ENDED on this item.' Wonder who the lucky 'sucker' is?

Holley crap - i tossed away most of my late Mum's original OLD 78's (a few years ago) - long before I had the internet - so never knew the value that could be had - and mine were in "next to never played" pristine condition..
I wouldn't like to speculate (now) on what they would have fetched, but then if I had saved mine, how many others around the world would have saved theirs, for the prices to never rise that high?

Which reminds me - someday soon (and the sooner the better obviously) - I should go through my extremely eclectic 45 rpm & 33 rpm vinyl collection that I started away back in the late 60's early 70's?

I wonder how many of those - will soon become collectors items of huge value?

I somewhere, still have my BEATLES Medley 45 rpm vinyl.
It's a progressively done studio master in a continuous "play" (on both sides), of the Beatles merging a few of their songs into ONE SONG.
One song per side (I mean) of that 45 rpm vinyl.

I still have my original Seekers 1964 album - on 33+1/3 rpm vinyl


It's there too (along with many others of utterly randomness).
There's even some Samoan musical chant records in there.
Along with the London Philharmonic orchestra LP's?

I'll have to see if there's any 78's there - that I missed throwing away.
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I need a time machine.

Recall a rainy Saturday in 1975 going through a pawnshop’s large stock of 78’s. No one wanted them back then — especially me.

Just imagine the "markup" you could have earned from "bulk buying" all of them though?
Its sad to think I'm probably in the last 15 years of my life. Its all just too short, and in a lot of ways, too unremarkable.


Well I'm not through having my fun with you :p

And I'd think - that none of the rest of us are either.
My Dad proved to me - what is possible without trying.
He went through four years of sheer hell as a POW in Germany in the second world war -!!
And yet only recently passed away (in 2017) a mere youngster - at 103+1/3rd years of age..

Thus - none of us know - when that end will be - ?
We just have to keep on living - as hard out & for as long as possible.
Never say it will end - in the next 15 years.
Dad never thought he'd make it into his 90's - yet look at what he got too ? 103+1/3rd.


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Which reminds me - someday soon (and the sooner the better obviously) - I should go through my extremely eclectic 45 rpm & 33 rpm vinyl collection that I started away back in the late 60's early 70's?

I just sorta did that and found a copy of this:
Big Foot (8) - Big Foot

Not what I was looking for at the time, but after looking it up online I got curious and wound up digitizing it. I helpfully noted on the inner sleeve that I bought it for a dime at a garage sale.
My Dad's favorite artist, Fats Waller. I remember when CDs came out in the '80s I searched and searched for Fats Waller CD imports and got him a CD player to play them. Freaked him out.

I remember he had a box set of Fat's which had this huge picture of his head, all zoomed in and in blue. Scared the shit out of me whenever I looked at it (When I was like 6 or 7). This big blue smiling head! That box set is probably worth something today but all of his records got tossed before I could get there right before he left to join Fats......

I think they're "somewhere" with my baseball cards! :)

EDIT: Here's the "Blue Head" LP. Not sure why it scared me, he looks rather friendly now.

View attachment 53155

Wonderful things our Dad's were..
Mine loved the Ukulele playing artist (George Formby) - who played
Oh me oh my .. and strummed away with possibly a single note - in a comical multiple coloured attire - with a just as colourful hat..


It's now playing somewhere o YouTube - directly off the 1937 vinyl 78 ..

Me ?
i still have the record that I bought for Dad - and played to him long ago ..
He loved it but couldn't use the old gramophone in our house (as every time he did, he'd bust the needle on the old turntable - and stuffed all music that we could have from that - until months later when the local shop finally got any "replacement" GERRARD stylii in store (long enough for us to come in off the farm & enquire if any were available - most were sold long before we got there - being the 1960's see no one ever "thought" to use a telephone to say - hey we have some - nor kept any - for those that had asked.. & thus it was always a lost cause case - of oh - we forgot you wanted one?)
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