Another interesting THRAKBOX update:
A second day of mastering the Mexico City concert from 1996 (the second disc from VROOOM VROOOM) for the forthcoming boxed set. I am tempted to call this another case of opening my mouth and then regretting it – but I know full well the consequences of my suggestions. For this boxed set, I have thus far suggested that we should include ATTAKcATHRAK (an all-new son of THRAKATTAK), "Keep that one Dave" (a "making of disc” based on about 60 hours of recordings), a movie of the Warfield concert in San Francisco, and now the complete shows that make up VROOOM VROOOM – and in every case I have then had to climb back into the studio to create the necessary discs. One would think that, as the recordings on this boxed set are some twenty years newer than those on Starless, they would present less problems. Dream on, I say! It will, however, be a magnificent set (with lots of other goodies not mentioned here). Such projects always throw up wonderful surprises – in this case, it’s perhaps the fact that Inner Garden, which would not rank as a personal highlight on the album itself, is simply glorious in its naked state. Although it’s tough to beat the wonder that is the all-new ATTAKcATHRAK in surround sound. What could be better than doing THRAKATTAK once. Doing it twice!