BIG Blu-Ray Audio drive from Universal Music in 2013 - PART TWO


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Thanks to all who posted their thoughts and comments on the TFF disc...I think I'm going to cancel my order for that title as well as the Lenny Kravitz....can't afford to waste money on sub-par releases these days.
Thanks to all who posted their thoughts and comments on the TFF disc...I think I'm going to cancel my order for that title as well as the Lenny Kravitz....can't afford to waste money on sub-par releases these days.

IMHO, the Genesis album is a winner. Might be worth diverting funds in that direction, if you haven't already ;)
I'd also like to hear opinions on the Sex Pistols release. I already have the 30+ track version but am curious as to how something so raw comes across on this format.
Thanks to all who posted their thoughts and comments on the TFF disc...I think I'm going to cancel my order for that title as well as the Lenny Kravitz....can't afford to waste money on sub-par releases these days.

I'd love for the Lenny Kravitz to be a winner but if you check out the Deluxe Edition remastering first that should give you an idea of what you're in for. I haven't ordered it but I have (re)pre-ordered Supertramp/Crime of The Century now it's back up for pre-order (release date showing Jan 31st) and still keeping my pre-orders (at Fnac & for Nick Drake's Five Leaves Left open. That's it til the Elton's show up for me I think unless something more exciting than the rehashed Sam Cooke stereo SACD compilation & a no doubt fucked up Pet Sounds 5.1 are what's on the horizon for the foreseeable.
I'd also like to hear opinions on the Sex Pistols release. I already have the 30+ track version but am curious as to how something so raw comes across on this format.

IIRC correctly QQ Fletch (rusinurbe) got it and reckoned it was worthwhile, though I'd only have got it if it had a remix (pref 5.1 of course) as I'm not convinced you could do much with the original stereo mix from a Hi-Rez p.o.v., though I'd love to be proven wrong, seminal album that it is etc..
(unlike me to feel this way, anal completist that I am.. but..) is there really any point getting the HFPA if you've got the SACD already?

Well, probably not. I am still kicking myself for not pulling the proverbial trigger on the box sets when they were originally released and so I am picking up individual albums as I go. I am up to about 8 on SACD/DVD-V but 'SEBTP' wasn't one of them, hence why I snapped this one up. But if truth be told, I would rather fork out to complete the SACD versions, simply because, pound for pound, they are better value.

That said, I have been impressed with the quality of 'SEBTP'. I could just punch ORM's lights out for his stubbornness in not putting anything else on these discs. His claim that it wouldn't make them 'Pure Audio' is just bollocks. Makes my piss boil!! ;)

IIRC correctly QQ Fletch (rusinurbe) got it and reckoned it was worthwhile, though I'd only have got it if it had a remix (pref 5.1 of course) as I'm not convinced you could do much with the original stereo mix from a Hi-Rez p.o.v., though I'd love to be proven wrong, seminal album that it is etc..

Hmmm... Like you, 5.1 is the first hurdle that all these titles need to overcome in my view, but, as you say, this is a seminal title and I am intrigued by the dichotomy of the Sex Pistols in high resolution ;)

Just in case any QQ-ers haven't seen SuperDeluxeEdition's scoop on the (what I hope will be the 1st in a long line and all in 5.1 including Westies, Moves, Caribou & Don't Shoot Me..!) Elton HFPA release...

Like you, I'd love all those unreleased mixes to finally see the light of day. SDE talks of this 40th (or should that be 41st) anniversary box set containing lots of other stuff. The 30th Anniversary edition had some nice little bonus features so this new edition would have to feature substantially different extras as well as being keenly priced. Will the BD be available separately, I wonder?

To pre-empt our own Quad Kitty, we're being shafted, yet again, I fear.
Well, probably not. I am still kicking myself for not pulling the proverbial trigger on the box sets when they were originally released and so I am picking up individual albums as I go. I am up to about 8 on SACD/DVD-V but 'SEBTP' wasn't one of them, hence why I snapped this one up. But if truth be told, I would rather fork out to complete the SACD versions, simply because, pound for pound, they are better value.

That said, I have been impressed with the quality of 'SEBTP'. I could just punch ORM's lights out for his stubbornness in not putting anything else on these discs. His claim that it wouldn't make them 'Pure Audio' is just bollocks. Makes my piss boil!! ;)

Hmmm... Like you, 5.1 is the first hurdle that all these titles need to overcome in my view, but, as you say, this is a seminal title and I am intrigued by the dichotomy of the Sex Pistols in high resolution ;)

Like you, I'd love all those unreleased mixes to finally see the light of day. SDE talks of this 40th (or should that be 41st) anniversary box set containing lots of other stuff. The 30th Anniversary edition had some nice little bonus features so this new edition would have to feature substantially different extras as well as being keenly priced. Will the BD be available separately, I wonder?

To pre-empt our own Quad Kitty, we're being shafted, yet again, I fear.

On a (related) tangent, how've you been getting on with all the Elton SACDs you bought? Hope you're enjoying them! :)
OK back to the Sex Pistols I only have memories of the vinyl (ditched vinyl a long time ago) and I have the original Virgin CD which sounds quite good.

The Original album sounds very good better than the original CD and has a bit more presence 9i think those Audiophiles like to call it) I perceive the change in studio for the recordings on the album, just slight changes in Guitar sound etc. so in that respect it is a winner. I believe its the best digital version around and cant really compare to the vinyl.
The extras (live) are from the deluxe CD set so represent a nice value added touch but these are no sonic masterpieces great live versions an I don't thing retouched.

The menu is much better that the round one discs

It represents better value than most HFPA discs, it sounds OK I think better that my CD version (Its no dark side of the moon in recording standards) and it came with the extras which was one of the main reasons I bought it.

I am happy that I bought this for sure as an upgrade to what I had.
I can't hear that song without thinking about the film Almost Famous! Excellent song (and an excellent film) :)

I agree. Elton has said that he removed that tune from future concerts because it's just too hard for him to sing, but he had to put it back into the set list after Almost Famous came out. He now has "the girls" sing the high parts.

Whenever I need a pick me up, watching Almost Famous is a must. Perfect movie for a music kid who grew up in the late '60s, early '70s.
I agree. Elton has said that he removed that tune from future concerts because it's just too hard for him to sing, but he had to put it back into the set list after Almost Famous came out. He now has "the girls" sing the high parts.

Whenever I need a pick me up, watching Almost Famous is a must. Perfect movie for a music kid who grew up in the late '60s, early '70s.

I will admit I haven't watched that film (will try and dig it out on Netflix) but this song has quite a personal meaning for me. That, and it's an absolute musical masterpiece :)

I did see EJ perform this live recently and, as you point out, the ladies take care of the high parts. Even EJ himself is surprised about how much his voice has changed over the years. It is scary when you listen to that early stuff and to something more recent. I know it comes to us all, but EJ's is quite extreme!
I've just ordered the Beck's "Sea Change" again, this time from Canada (DHL lost the last one! from Aus I think). Also ordered (again from Canada - but appropriately this time!) Oscar Peterson's "Night Train" only stereo, its a live recording from 1962 - my father had this one, and if I remember rightly its pretty good. One of the most amazing concerts I've been too was with my father & brother a few years ago to see Oscar Peterson in Birmingham Symphony Hall (UK).