Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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Bryan Ferry-Boys and Girls....I usually just listen to Avalon when I want to hear Bryan Ferry's voice...but as Snood's favorite over Avalon...I have to give it some air play...his voice is an acquired taste...and I've finally acquired it(y)

I also prefer it over Avalon, sounds just a little bit better on my rig.
It's very good, in fact I already had it as a quad file I downloaded from somewhere, but I thought it was that good that I ought to own it, so it was less than £20 on Amazon, took a while to be delivered all the way from Japan.
I've actually got it on stereo vinyl too but never really got into it, much better in quad!

thank you very much for the feedback! i hope to pick up some in time, i'll keep an eye out for SACD Tomita Quad bargains (y)
Bryan Ferry-Boys and Girls....I usually just listen to Avalon when I want to hear Bryan Ferry's voice...but as Snood's favorite over Avalon...I have to give it some air play...his voice is an acquired taste...and I've finally acquired it(y)

I acquired the 'Roxy' voice early in 1972...been a fan ever since with the band and his solo work.
And yes Boys and Girls and Avalon are fantastic SACD's.
Just a real shame the band is not touring at present, although I've got to see them on numerous occasions.
Hi Ralph,
I presume its got that all important discrete element you and many of us are looking for?
My saving on the Moody flop is rapidly going out the window!!

It's actually a LIVE outing with rear audience applause [not distracting however] but sonically, it'll fill up the room. That's if you DIG JAZZ, Cool KAT that you are!