Listening to Now (In Surround) - Volume 2


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I forgot how great this album and mix are... I see I voted an 8, but it sounds like a 9 to me now for some reason... takes me back to High School!

Edit: ... No, 8 is about right (some of the songs have really subtle use of the surrounds), but this is still great and I wish Clearmountain would unleash his hardrive of surround mixes to the world!
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🇬🇧 -

Wanted a little Brit. Prog. with breakfast, a proper breakfast actually. Thinking of my good bud across the big blue pond. Adamsie Blue, with wee Bangers and Tomatoes. Quite chuffed with the feeling that the Wizard of Watford 🧙‍♂️ may be about to announce a new round of surround tasties. Later, maybe a spot of tea - 🇬🇧
Wow, look at those ripe tomatoes! This time of year, in Illinois, you can't find ripe tomatoes....only greenhouse or whatever they have. They all taste like shit to be honest.

My local Costco has ALL greenhouse tomatoes...but they actually taste good and are ripe...looks like the pupster likes his food "well done"🧐...that toast has that Chernobyl looko_O
Wow, look at those ripe tomatoes! This time of year, in Illinois, you can't find ripe tomatoes....only greenhouse or whatever they have. They all taste like shit to be honest.
Campari - probably from Mexico. I know a good Tomato; I've grown hundreds of verities over the years and even bred my own, Including one I call "Amazon Firefly" (long before Amazon came up with the name!) a cross between an Amazon Chocolate and a Depp's Pink Firefly.
Interesting! In that case, any feedback on how the GBYBR DVD-A compares to the classic EJ SACDs?

i went over it all before with a fine toothed comb so you all don't have to! 🙃 the measurable differences between the 5.1 on the Surround SACDs and the 5.1 MLP on the DVD-Audio are so minuscule only a yellow brick fruitbat could discern them! 🦇

in other words; the 5.1 on the Surround SACDs & DVD-Audio are so very close to one another as to be the same and imho any perceived differences would be down to something akin to confirmation bias or i guess potential differences in gear used to playback one or the other disc format in one's home.

the HFPA BD is where things get a little bit hazy, the mastering on the 5.1 is a tiny bit different from the Surround SACDs & DVD-Audio.. and of course there's the 'fuck up/ lack of fade up' on the intro to Social Disease, making the BD unique 🤪
Campari - probably from Mexico. I know a good Tomato; I've grown hundreds of verities over the years and even bred my own, Including one I call "Amazon Firefly" (long before Amazon came up with the name!) a cross between an Amazon Chocolate and a Depp's Pink Firefly.
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Yep..Campari is what I is from Mexico...and it's Greenhouse all the way...
Yep..Campari is what I is from Mexico...and it's Greenhouse all the way...
Well then, it must be our local grocery store.....they NEVER have good tomatoes. Seriously.....they are just flavorless......and I know a good mater when I eat of my favorite vegetables.... (it has seeds, it's a fruit dammit)
Campari - probably from Mexico. I know a good Tomato; I've grown hundreds of verities over the years and even bred my own, Including one I call "Amazon Firefly" (long before Amazon came up with the name!) a cross between an Amazon Chocolate and a Depp's Pink Firefly.
View attachment 39142
I don't do the scratch-from-seed much anymore, but I do try to pick up at least one or more heirloom seedlings I haven't tried from the local Farmers Co-op or hell, even from WalMart if I find something interesting. But two years ago I brought in some aphids from the Walmart plants that simply tore up EVERYTHING in the garden, but I did manage to harvest some tomatoes in spite of it. The beans-trashed! The peas-trashed! I even had my wife make up some super strong garlic/mouthwash/whatever bug stuff, no good....commercial bug stuff I tried, nothing would rid me of the pesky lil bassards. Never ever felt so helpless in my own garden.
I was just down at our little hardware store to pick up some pvc fittings for a new greywater setup, and the lady had a large bowl on the counter filled with beefstake tomatoes. Coulda been hothouse, and probably were, but dang it they looked so huge and good!!
I don't do the scratch-from-seed much anymore, but I do try to pick up at least one or more heirloom seedlings I haven't tried from the local Farmers Co-op or hell, even from WalMart if I find something interesting. But two years ago I brought in some aphids from the Walmart plants that simply tore up EVERYTHING in the garden, but I did manage to harvest some tomatoes in spite of it. The beans-trashed! The peas-trashed! I even had my wife make up some super strong garlic/mouthwash/whatever bug stuff, no good....commercial bug stuff I tried, nothing would rid me of the pesky lil bassards. Never ever felt so helpless in my own garden.
I was just down at our little hardware store to pick up some pvc fittings for a new greywater setup, and the lady had a large bowl on the counter filled with beefstake tomatoes. Coulda been hothouse, and probably were, but dang it they looked so huge and good!!

Yeah, the little bugs are a bitch, my latest nemesis in my garden are Spider Mites. However, one of my favorite tomatoes that can be found at nurseries is the Brandywine. They typically are very stingy with production though.

Just to keep the thread on track:
Yeah, the little bugs are a bitch, my latest nemesis in my garden are Spider Mites. However, one of my favorite tomatoes that can be found at nurseries is the Brandywine. They typically are very stingy with production though.

Just to keep the thread on track:
Bowie just confounds me sometimes. I remember Changes when it came out, first song I ever heard from him that I know of, didn't have a clue who he was and really didn't care. But as the years went by, occasional flashes of brilliance would emerge. I feel that if he had concentrated less on lifestyle/appearances and devoted more to the music he would have been brilliant. Of course this is only my opinion, I know some probably think this is out of left field. Hee hee.