Love and Rockets and Pixies-disk's listed at Simon Heyworth website


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Aug 27, 2003
burnaby bc canada
I was searching out things that Simon Heyworth and Andy Miles have been working on to see if they are behind the Anthony Phillips-Wise After The Event as the two of them did a fantastic job on "Geese and The Ghost" so nothing listed as of yet whether they worked on Anthony Phillips WATE but look what's listed on the following page from their website:

Love and Rockets-Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven

WOW, now those are two titles that I am super excited to hear in surround so can't wait till these come out or at least hope they are as if Simon H. has listed on his website. One would hope they are not to far off.
Anyone as exited as me about these or anyone know anything about these?

Sandwished in between the titles we already know about are some disk's from 'Fresh Handmade Sound' which I did some searching on as you can hear see some infomercial's on youtube as these seem to be some albums made for the Lush Spa group mostly located in UK, background type music so not sure if any good at all so if anyone from here has tried any of these am a bit curious as well. These sound like they could be in the Windham Hill(new agey) type music which aren't really my cup of tea if thats what these are. Anyone from the UK want to comment about these or have a Lush Spa near them to check these out?

Now the Pixies and Love and Rockets-those would get plenty of playtime for me as they are a couple of my favorite bands from the 80's.
These would be welcome additions to the Tears For Fears we got last year from that same time period.

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I have the Pixies Minotaur Boxset, not the most adventurous of surround mixes, but a brilliant band so really good news.

I notice King Crimson's Beat in there as well.
If you've had problems with that website view it with Safari. The page will scroll properly not leaving that blue area stuck at the top.

Doolittle is my fav. Pixies album. How soon?
I'd like to spill some beans here if I may...

from the comments section of this review:
Steve Webbon SEP 22, 2015 6:49PM
An extra revelation is the surround mix of 'Seventh Dream' done by Neil Wilkes. It separates out the vocal and guitar layers while retaining the density of the sound and makes the music even more immersive and engaging (once your ears get used to the surround concept!). Hopefully it will be available on Pure Audio Blu-ray before he year is over.
Oh Hell Yes! This now takes the expectations up a notch! Wonder if Neil can reveal if he also remixed the Pixies title in surround too?


Edit: Apologies.. its just, you know how in the Muppets they keep "Animal" on a chain/leash, almost for his own good..?? :eek:

Edit: Apologies.. its just, you know how in the Muppets they keep "Animal" on a chain/leash, almost for his own good..?? :eek:

So you know something the vast majority of us don't know and you're chomping at the bit to let us know what we don't know but you're restraining yourself, is that it?
(For the record, I don't really have itchy feet when it comes to these two releases, so I can wait as long as it takes to get them out, properly that is, but just knowing Neil is involved in one way or another makes me really happy.) :)
I'm happy for all you guys who love this type of music.....seriously, I am. I'll pass as I think I've purchased about enough of this "style" of music and I really just don't play it, like it or understand it. Oh well.... :) This style of music simply was not on my radar back whenever it was popular. Was it popular? Or was it considered more underground? Rock, Hard Rock & Metal were the going rage for everyone I hung around back then.
I'm happy for all you guys who love this type of music.....seriously, I am. I'll pass as I think I've purchased about enough of this "style" of music and I really just don't play it, like it or understand it. Oh well.... :) This style of music simply was not on my radar back whenever it was popular. Was it popular? Or was it considered more underground? Rock, Hard Rock & Metal were the going rage for everyone I hung around back then.

Both bands certainly appear to have been more popular in the UK than they were/are in the US, but the Pixies first two albums ("Surfer Rosa" and "Dolittle") went Gold and Platinum here, respectively, while Love and Rockets had the Top 5 hit "So Alive" towards the end of the 1980s. So yes, more underground than a lot of other music but still with a few peaks into the commercial sunshine.
I for one am glad these records have been mixed (and will hopefully be released soon) in surround just cause it's different, and right now that's what I'm craving! :)
So you know something the vast majority of us don't know and you're chomping at the bit to let us know what we don't know but you're restraining yourself, is that it?
(For the record, I don't really have itchy feet when it comes to these two releases, so I can wait as long as it takes to get them out, properly that is, but just knowing Neil is involved in one way or another makes me really happy.) :)

Not really, well kind of I guess, ignore me its nothing.. you know me Ryan, I just get so excited about this stuff sometimes (well I think it is worth getting excited about! some folks may not share my enthusiasm!) I just have to bite my loquacious lil' tongue sometimes.. mainly just about who mixed the Pixies, if I'm right I think it'll be quite exciting in and of itself.. I'm sure all will be revealed in time.. sooner rather than later I hope, I can't wait to hear the fruits of their labours!!
Both bands certainly appear to have been more popular in the UK than they were/are in the US, but the Pixies first two albums ("Surfer Rosa" and "Dolittle") went Gold and Platinum here, respectively, while Love and Rockets had the Top 5 hit "So Alive" towards the end of the 1980s. So yes, more underground than a lot of other music but still with a few peaks into the commercial sunshine.
I for one am glad these records have been mixed (and will hopefully be released soon) in surround just cause it's different, and right now that's what I'm craving! :)

I hear you! Different is good...I totally agree. :) And this will be the last off topic comment I make on this thread...but for different what I really want is some of the more commercial 80's music. (late 70's too). I WANT THE CARS IN 5.1!!! For me..that would be a revelation....heck...even toss in some DEVO for fun. :):):) Joe Jackson, Elvis about some Heart!! John Cougar...Mellencamp...on and on. I could go on forever.
I hear you! Different is good...I totally agree. :) And this will be the last off topic comment I make on this thread...but for different what I really want is some of the more commercial 80's music. (late 70's too). I WANT THE CARS IN 5.1!!! For me..that would be a revelation....heck...even toss in some DEVO for fun. :):):) Joe Jackson, Elvis about some Heart!! John Cougar...Mellencamp...on and on. I could go on forever.

I really don't like the Cougar, but other than that, I would gladly try out the rest. :)
And getting back on-topic, to Adam's tease concerning who mixed the Pixies in surround, if it's Steven Wilson, then he's breaking new ground as I believe this would be the first American artist that he's remixed music for, but regardless, all of this makes me want to go play "Doolittle" now. :)
I really don't like the Cougar, but other than that, I would gladly try out the rest. :)
And getting back on-topic, to Adam's tease concerning who mixed the Pixies in surround, if it's Steven Wilson, then he's breaking new ground as I believe this would be the first American artist that he's remixed music for, but regardless, all of this makes me want to go play "Doolittle" now. :)

Well - believe me. I never say never. So, I will also play this material (as I'm really not very familiar with it) and if I like it..which will be a longshot at best, I'll be on board if it materializes.
I hear you! Different is good...I totally agree. :) And this will be the last off topic comment I make on this thread...but for different what I really want is some of the more commercial 80's music. (late 70's too). I WANT THE CARS IN 5.1!!! For me..that would be a revelation....heck...even toss in some DEVO for fun. :):):) Joe Jackson, Elvis about some Heart!! John Cougar...Mellencamp...on and on. I could go on forever.

Ditto on the Cars, Devo, Joe Jackson and Elvis Costello. :D

Oh, and Cheap Trick!
I really don't like the Cougar, but other than that, I would gladly try out the rest. :)
And getting back on-topic, to Adam's tease concerning who mixed the Pixies in surround, if it's Steven Wilson, then he's breaking new ground as I believe this would be the first American artist that he's remixed music for, but regardless, all of this makes me want to go play "Doolittle" now. :)

It's not SW afaik.