Quadek QS/SQ Decoder App for Mac


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Quad Linda

Staff member
Jun 3, 2011
DROP YOUR WAD ON QUAD Chicago, Illinois
Has anyone had experience with the Quadek QS/SQ decoder app for Mac?


QUADEK Digital Quadraphonic Audio Decoder

-- Bring back to life the sound of your quadraphonic records! --

QUADEK implements two algorithms capable of decoding four music channels out of a stereo track: QS method is best for “Quadraphonic Sound” recordings and SQ for “Stereo Quadraphonic” recordings. Both these quadraphonic technologies gained their fame during the 70s when many bands and musicians started to experiment with quadraphonic sound: Pink Floyd, King Crimson, The Who and Miles Davis, to name a few. There are hundreds of great records that came out with a “Quadraphonic” label and up to now could only be decoded with specialized hardware.

With QUADEK in your Mac (*) you can digitally decode those stereo tracks into quadraphonic surround and bring the experience of the quad sound into the 21st century!
(*) Your Mac should be hooked up to an audio interface with four available output channels that would need to be connected to your four speakers. For more information and setup recommendations visit us at www.klankwereld.com


Decoding Methods

QUADEK features three decoding methods:
2x: a simple duplication of Left and Right channels in both front and back stereo pairs
QS: stands for “Quadraphonic Sound” decoding
SQ: stands for “Stereo Quadraphonic” decoding
The last two methods are implementations of well known matrix decoding techniques. You can find more information about the details of these techniques on our website www.klankwereld.com

Balance Control

The balance slider control allows you to position your listening point in the quadraphonic square. The importance of this control is vital for a good quadraphonic experience since a significant part of the decoding relies on an acoustical phenomena that consists of the cancellation of redundant information in opposite channels. For this cancellation effect to happen as best as possible you should set up the slider’s knob so that it compensates for the possible loss of intensity coming to you when you are closer to one side or a corner of the square. Note that the balance control doesn’t increase the signal, it rather acts as a gate, letting pass the full signal or decreasing it. Once the knob is positioned you can fine-tune it with the L/R and F/B numeric controls on top of the balance control.

And when you’re ready to start using QUADEK turn on the power button and let the experience begin!

Check our website www.klankwereld.com to know more about this and other uses of QUADEK
Linda , were did you find this?
I clicked and the app is not there...

Found it in their apple app store-
OK, it's cheap, but lack of information regarding the type of files that it can manage or technical specs do not make it look trustworthy-or reliable.

They should at least:
1-Be SPECIFIC about specs
2-have a trial version
The lack of specs was suspicious to me, too. Is it equivalent to non-logic SQ? If so, it would truly be underwhelming. Perhaps Klankwereld will add some specs. They allude to more info forthcoming in general on their website. I was hoping that someone on QQ had experience with this.
Wow, no specs but they sure did make a great interface. I will definately have to remember to look into this later. I wounder if it can run in 10.4 or if it is strictly 10.5+ I am putting together a great mac for audio. A powermac G4 Dual 1.42 With two GB of ram, all optional hardware, 4 400gb HDs. I used to work for Applecare so I know my way around a mac. I also plan on putting one of the hi rez audio M-Audio PCI cards in it so I can have nice high rez digital signal to the receiver and nice high rez recording capabilities. The machine, much like me, will be very audio centric, its almost done. I have just put off the finall touches since I am having a slight data loss crisis :yikes
Ok I called Apple and the said you had to have 10.6.6 to see the ap in order to buy it and down load it so I had to upgrade to 10.6.3 install that then down load the upgrade to 10.6.6 before I can get the ap also apple store is the only place to get it
Aw man. I do not wish to upgrade that far yet. I can't wait to hear how that app turns out. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Too bad you can't run it on a Quadra...
I;m still working on getting set up so i can get it stuck with dial up so have to go into town to do anything lugging around a dual 2.3 g5 is no fun. have the 10.6.3 now will upgrade then have to go up to 10.6.6
I wonder if that app will work well with the G5's audio out? I forget, did they add optical out on that model? I know that the models of which have optical out, it is kind of hit and miss with a lot of software. Especially with surround output. I plan on getting one of the M-Audio audio cards and connecting it to the home theater reciever.
Aw, that's terrible! Neither will I. :(
As a PC user i'm shocked how the MAC has gotten into the situation where software is written for just one version of it's operating system or version of MAC.

If they wanted to sell it (and as long as it's any good), why didn't they just do it for the PC?
As a PC user i'm shocked how the MAC has gotten into the situation where software is written for just one version of it's operating system or version of MAC.

If they wanted to sell it (and as long as it's any good), why didn't they just do it for the PC?

It may have been programmers that happen to have an interest in quad and also specialise in Apple software and only use Macs.

As far as having to be a newer version of OSX and only on Intel machines, this is terrible, but maybe it really does need the latest version of OSX to impliment the software properly. Also it may have been more work to make it backwards compatable (Apple has started doing what other software companies have been doing for a long time, making it harder to release software that is compatable with the latest OS and is also backward compatable)
I also found this


I have downloaded the user manual which describes what it does but still does not go into any specifics of how it does it. Supposedly it decodes both SQ and QS live and also gives you lots of output options (you can combine it with an app like soundflower, which is a great app btw, to do all sorts of crazy input/output configurations).

I am going to remain cautiously optimistic.

Maybe this will work as well as a Tate and we can watch the whole quad community switch to Apple :D
I also found this


I have downloaded the user manual which describes what it does but still does not go into any specifics of how it does it. Supposedly it decodes both SQ and QS live and also gives you lots of output options (you can combine it with an app like soundflower, which is a great app btw, to do all sorts of crazy input/output configurations).

Well, for €4,99 you can't go wrong...

This has probably just the basic SQ decoding. You cannot choose between decoding of the various encoding schemes for SQ, like forward oriented, backward oriented, etc.

I'm guessing no one has gotten a chance to play with this yet? I still remain curious
I emailed those guys about the specs. Still no answer. I also emailed them to see if they can compile a PPC verision of this. I can't imagine why this would have to be intel only. I may see if I can get this working on someone elses computer.
Okay, I got a reply. No logic (n)

Thanks for your interest in Quadek.

To answer your questions, it's unlikely there will ever be a 10.4 (or non intel) version available, mainly because the audio runtime supporting Quadek is not available for non intel macs or pre 10.5 OS. We're very sorry but for now such build seems to be impossible.

As for the logic decoding, the actual algorithm in version 1.0 does matrix decoding SQ and QS although a logic module might be added in the future. The matrix decoder does pretty well in Quadek, of course up to the natural limit of such method that is. A good positioning of the listening point inside the square is of crucial importance for a good appreciation of quad music, specially using only matrix decoding; and for that reason, Quadek adds a full range balance control (4-way gain levels for back-forth and left-right balance) so that the listener can compensate gain levels in all speakers.

For more you can download Quadek's User Guide at http://www.klankwereld.com/quadek and please feel welcome to ask us any other question you might have.

Best regards,


Klankwereld support
[email protected]