A Special Preview of Quadio


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Great music, great conversation… rumor has it, many titles yet to come.
Thank you for the report and photo!







as soon as these are up for sale, i'm in for all 4!! 🤩

Spinners Quadio in particular is dream come true stuff for me, it's one of the best Quad mixes i've ever heard but the whole batch is very strong and so totally different from the last bundle 💘🥰

thank you for the hot scoop info report from the event!! it is much appreciated 🤗😋
Yes, I knew you'd be thrilled - hearing the Spinners disc - the horns were richer and more detailed in quad.. or was it the 24/192 bit rate?
It's that Philly Soul - right up your alley!
No more finicky CD~4 demodulators or fussy styli nor azimuth concerns! After 50 long years the crop of nascent QUAD master tapes are ready to be served ...... on little silver 💿 platters in state of the art sonics!

Another shout out to Foraging 🦏 Rhino and the WEA crew for making it possible.

The Wait Is Finally OVER!🌻
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Quicksrt, was there any indication when the next batch will be released after October's booty!

And major news that RHINO plans to remix new albums into QUAD.
Yes, they are planning on having new releases quarterly. So that's a nice change of pace from what we'd been used to.
And so far as new mixing to quad, I ascertained that they have already had some "quad" test mixes performed by a well known respected engineer / mixer. Maybe they were just tests, but an album was possibly completed. Names and titles were not discussed, but options for future releases was discussed.
The Rhino A&R staff feel quad is beautiful in it's simplicity when done right which means 24/192khz I gathered, and is complementary to other surround mixes rather than just being the orphaned format from the past.
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#1 Question I hope someone asks is:

How many unreleased Quad titles are still in the vaults? A few, or more than a dozen?
I asked this question. The answer is, yes they have come across a few, maybe more than a few unissued quad masters. But searching for them is difficult because they don't know where to start with being millions of albums and thousands of artists.

1. No quad mix of Deep Purple "Burn" is in their vault.
So we can all get that crazy idea out of our heads.

2. The one Black Sabbath track that was said to be completed in quad for the Sabotage album does not exist in their vault.
Did we hear you right, they might consider new Quad mixes of vintage material? There are gaps in some artists’ material where they skipped a very popular title or never got a Quad mix.

But, I’m just hoping we all can get as many titles as possible, whatever we can get out of this vaults, while the getting is good. I’m definitely in for the bundle.
Yes, there is actually a project finished that is to be released that is a new quad mix. And another in the works that I did not get any info on. The engineer was hinted at but not stated. They have much going on with Atmos, 5.1 and 4.0 mixing. I didn't want to ask questions too much because they were basically spilling the beans on quite a bit of various projects without me asking. I did corner them (each of the three) at the end of the presentation, and ask a few more confidential type questions. The one thing that each of them stated was that "physical media" was a focus of their work, and Quadio was but one important part of that work. I was told that physical discs with surround would be forthcoming, and that meant Atmos, 5.1 and 4.0 mixes potentially all on the same disc. An artist was named as but one example. Sounds like some additional surround is in the works besides Quadio.
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Sounds like it was a fun evening.

Now, no more avoiding the subject anymore Jeff. Please tell us what we really all want to know. How was the beer?
There was great beer and wine. I kept it to a single brew, as I didn't want to get slightly tipsy and start a uncontrolled rant on the history of my quad and surround adventures, and suddenly being led to the door as they are turning out the lights and saying goodnight.
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Yes, there is actually a project finished that is to be released that is a new quad mix. And another in the works that I did not get any info on. The engineer was hinted at but not stated. They have much going on with Atmos, 5.1 and 4.0 mixing. I didn't want to ask questions too much because they were basically spilling the beans on quite a bit of various projects without me asking. I did corner them (each of the three) at the end of the presentation, and ask a few more confidential type questions. The one thing that each of the stated was that "physical media" was a focus of their work, and Quadio was but one important part of that work. I was told that physical discs with surround would be forthcoming, and that meant Atmos, 5.1 and 4.0 mixes potentially all on the same disc. An artist was named as but one example. Sounds like a lot more surround is in the works than just Quadio.
Thank you for the great info. Sounds like we are going to have a lot to enjoy. I hope the series has continued success...and inspires other labels to follow with similar programs.
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Mingus Moves I think because it’s so discreet and fresh to me. I'm a jazz fan as well as rock.
Hmm. I like some jazz but thought Mingus Moves might be the one of the four new titles I wouldn’t get if, indeed, it was on the list.

But now with your comment, I guess it’ll be the bundle for me.

A shame about no Burn tapes in the vault, though.
Wow this whole project looks to be bigger than we even anticipated. The newly mixed quads are so exciting to me. I hope they retain the sometimes bold and daring mix philosophies of the great Quad engineers of the 70s.

We have so much to look forward to, it really seems this year has been one of the best years for surround music in quite a while.

I wonder what old quaddies like Cai Campbell who are no longer with us would’ve thought of this great quad rescue/revival.