Heads Up - New Windows 10 Update to Version 1709 - it is a long one and......


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Staff member
Nov 8, 2013
Took my system 3 hours to update

When it finally downloads and installs then restarts it will take another long time and will restart like 5 times to finish.

It mega upgrades a lot of stuff on Windows 10, but Make sure you have your keys for a couple burning programs

Had to re insert the keys for CDRWIN10 and MY HD Audio Solo Ultra - also Norton Quarantined HD audio solo again and I had to restore it and whitelist it. :yikes

But everything works..........

But do not freak if the Windows 10 update takes like 3 hours or more. :mad:@:
Took my system 3 hours to update

When it finally downloads and installs then restarts it will take another long time and will restart like 5 times to finish.

It mega upgrades a lot of stuff on Windows 10, but Make sure you have your keys for a couple burning programs

Had to re insert the keys for CDRWIN10 and MY HD Audio Solo Ultra - also Norton Quarantined HD audio solo again and I had to restore it and whitelist it. :yikes

But everything works..........

But do not freak if the Windows 10 update takes like 3 hours or more. :mad:@:

Thanks for the warning -- these updates invariably take place right before I'm ready to leave the house :mad:
UGH! I dread this....my laptop has historically had a LOT of problems installing updates. so much so, that I disabled auto updates.
Had a couple friends tell me only took an hour or more........but they had newer systems than mine. :rolleyes:

Snood started update about an hour before I was going to bed thinking maybe 5 minutes max...........nope about 230AM :mad:@: then another hour making sure everything was koo :rolleyes:
My old i5-650 @ 3.2GHz with 8GB DDR & HDD about 3.5hrs, my new i7-7700 @ 3.6GHz with 16GB DDR & SSD about 0.5hr, and so far everything seems to still be working................but it is early days!
My old i5-650 @ 3.2GHz with 8GB DDR & HDD about 3.5hrs, my new i7-7700 @ 3.6GHz with 16GB DDR & SSD about 0.5hr, and so far everything seems to still be working................but it is early days!

The SSD makes the huge difference. I had similar times for both my computers.
Oh gawd! - Not again!

It's only 3 months, and now another megaupdate??

My win 10 computer is having boot issues. I wonder if it's related. Sometimes I can't even get the bios to come up unless I unplug all usb and the soundcard break-out.
Then, even if I can log in, the damn thing self-reboots unexpectedly. Grrrr...
My win 10 computer is having boot issues. I wonder if it's related. Sometimes I can't even get the bios to come up unless I unplug all usb and the soundcard break-out.
Then, even if I can log in, the damn thing self-reboots unexpectedly. Grrrr...

That's exactly what mine used to do half year ago. I finally disabled updates

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My new computer and monitor came yesterday...instead of looking forward to using it...I dread the thought of dealing with Windows 10 in the beginning...I've stalled as long as I could with my old computer with Windows 7....I'm not a computer guy so if I run into problems...I can't fix them...ugh...the new one has SSD...so that might help...if you don't see me on the forum this time... it won't be for health reasons...well mental health maybe...I'm just hoping the Win 10 that is pre installed on the computer HAS some of the updates already installed..build date is 7/22/2017...I've been reading as many articles as I can on the net about Win 10...so I can be prepared..

Any little nuggets of advice on setting it up would be appreciated..I just do basic surfing and use the email...
I upgraded my 2010 Acer i5 machine from Windows 7 to 10 when the freebie was offered (I'd bought 8 but left it in the box after what I'd heard!), the issue I had was USB peripherals which it didn't support. It booted up Ok, and the last update has sped up boot tremendously and its only got an HDD. Then not long ago I bought a Dell i7 based machine with an SSD (which had Windows 10 preinstalled on it) and an HDD (which I use for Data only), it did some updates on switch on, and by and large it has been OK, updates have cleared issues. The difference is that it is a Dell and they don't mess as much with the Windows installation as Acer did, or if they do, they know how to mess with it properly. The Dell is now my main PC and apart from making sure I turn on the external USB connected Blu-Ray Read/Writer after boot-up I haven't had any issues.

My new computer and monitor came yesterday...instead of looking forward to using it...I dread the thought of dealing with Windows 10 in the beginning...I've stalled as long as I could with my old computer with Windows 7....I'm not a computer guy so if I run into problems...I can't fix them...ugh...the new one has SSD...so that might help...if you don't see me on the forum this time... it won't be for health reasons...well mental health maybe...I'm just hoping the Win 10 that is pre installed on the computer HAS some of the updates already installed..build date is 7/22/2017...I've been reading as many articles as I can on the net about Win 10...so I can be prepared..

Any little nuggets of advice on setting it up would be appreciated..I just do basic surfing and use the email...
I upgraded my 2010 Acer i5 machine from Windows 7 to 10 when the freebie was offered (I'd bought 8 but left it in the box after what I'd heard!), the issue I had was USB peripherals which it didn't support. It booted up Ok, and the last update has sped up boot tremendously and its only got an HDD. Then not long ago I bought a Dell i7 based machine with an SSD (which had Windows 10 preinstalled on it) and an HDD (which I use for Data only), it did some updates on switch on, and by and large it has been OK, updates have cleared issues. The difference is that it is a Dell and they don't mess as much with the Windows installation as Acer did, or if they do, they know how to mess with it properly. The Dell is now my main PC and apart from making sure I turn on the external USB connected Blu-Ray Read/Writer after boot-up I haven't had any issues.

What type of antivirus software do you use?
Norton - which can be a pain if it doesn't like something as it deletes it! But its better to be well protected than not.

I have tried a lot of them over the years...when I tried Norton it was a "memory hog" and slowed my system down...but I see now it's highly rated and it appears that problem is fixed...tried Kaspersky..Eset..MacAfee... AVG...and I run Malwarebytes Free Version as a supplement to whatever main antivirus program I have....Norton would hound me to death about every thing that even remotely resembled a problem...but that was years ago...