Porcupine Tree "The Incident"


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Cleveland 9/21/09 House of Blues - Porcupine Tree / King's X

Having met up with fellow QQers in the same venue back in 2007 for Fear Of A Blank Planet, I figured I knew what to expect. This time it was a pkg deal with dinner and early entry for some of us because I got tickets thru Residents Of A Blank Planet (fan club). After dinner, we entered the theatre. It was packed and did get to be sweltering at times; I should've stayed in shorts and t-shirt and fared much better. We sure had GREAT seats though! Reserved barstools on either side of the soundboard, about 30 feet from the stage.

Just before King's X was to start, the curtains parted and a single person introduced himself as PT's tour manager. He made us aware that some of the gear was arriving late from L./A. but this only meant that the changeover time between bands would take longer. "Don't listen to the rumors and thanks for your patience." Rock and roll is never on time, this night would be proof but we were on a mission.

King's X played a fine set just shy of 1 hour; they managed a nice blend of new songs (XV album) and classics. My jaw dropped when the second sond was Lost In Germany (1992) as I'd maybe heard them play that once ever in 5 shows I saw over the years. When they finished, Dug announced that they'd come out to the lobby tables to meet us. Not only did I shake hands with each of them and chat for a bit, I managed to get all of their autographs as well. They may rock hard on stage but very thoughtful pleasant and funny up close.

Meanwhile back at the barstools.... I'm AMAZED that the PT crew literally did the setup work in such short order! When they un-crated the effects rack and had a snake (cable) with at least 24 channel inserts to patch to the board and the band mixer was still getting instuction from the house mixer on the board bussing and automation, I wondered how long it would take and what might suffer. But they pulled it off! The sound was spot on and that comes from good crew and attention to a detailed plan. No sound check, but they must've checked all the outputs using headphones; it was all there.

The Incident was played straight through with only a couple breaks of a minute or so. Steven played acoustic guitar much of the time, allowing John Wesley to play some of the monster riffs. Then a quick handoff of the acoustic to sit at the piano or fire up his amazing tone and textured leads on electric guitar. Visuals were astonishing incorporating stills , motion video and all manner of SFX. Again, no soundcheck and it rolled along all timed out almost perfectly. Time Flies is the centerpiece and it soared though the room, although the other songs still reverberate for me. They took a 10 minute break and then....

The Start of Something Beautiful... started the 2nd set. Next song I confess I wasn't sure of; acoustic and maybe off Signify. Anybody? Then Anesthetize (middle section; crowd reacted like it was a hit single), followed by Lazarus, Strip The Soul/.3. Encore was Mother and Chile Divided and then of course Trains. Probably omitting something but quite the enjoyable show top to bottom.

Back to the album:

I think much more of The Incident now than when it first arrived. FOABP was separate songs but locked into a central theme, which limited the range somewhat. The Incident is one song yet the parts each touch on different aspects of life. The more I listen the more it seems unified but in a different way than FOABP. Reading the TI lyrics before hand they seemed really just tossed off like the way you play Scrabble; work with the letters you get. Then in context, they work perfectly!
Hello, Great show at the VIC. Did Kings' X not totally kick ass??!??!?! My one issue, for awhile now, is SW's choice of the BABICZ acoustic guitar for live performance. It is a nice peice to look at, and sounds great. My opinion is that it is too fragile for Steven's sometimes ferocious playing style. It broke down durung the crucial end passage in "Time Flies" Tuesday, leaving Steven to wait off stage for what seemed forever. I also witnessed the complete string breakage during "Trains" on the "Arriving Somewhere...." DVD. Just my opinion, nothing more. SW knows best. Have good one!
Confirmed: King's X did kick ass!

We did witness one broken string during Time Flies; Steven handed the guitar off to a tech. He remained visible, contemplating using the electric, handed it back and then the acoustic (or a spare) was ready and he finished the song with it. Net loss was less than 2 minutes of strumming in a non-critical section as the band carried it.
The Start of Something Beautiful... started the 2nd set. Next song I confess I wasn't sure of; acoustic and maybe off Signify. Anybody?

Here's Cleveland's setlist after the 10 minute break as found online. I assume this is correct (and yes me posting this conflicts with my spoiler comments earlier in the thread, so sue me).

15.The Start of Something Beautiful
16.Buying New Soul
17.AnesthetizePart 2
19.Strip the Soul
20..3 (Second Half only)
21.Bonnie the Cat
22.Mother and Child Divided
Thanks, how could I forget Bonnie The Cat! Yep, that was a short section of Buying New Soul with the acoustic guitar.

Time to make a new road compilation CD....
Hi Tim.
Re the fast setup - I think that Ian Bond (FOH Mixer) is using the new Midas boards, which are essentially computer driven.
He would have loaded up the scene sets from the previous night, run a fast test & tweaked during first number.
He really knows what he is doing
Looking forward to London in a couple of weeks . I had to return home last year for a family bereavement so gave my tix away so its been quite a while since I saw them live ( watched ' Arriving ...dvd last night though for a little refresher :D )

Cannot stop listening to The Incident , absolutely love it and really looking forward to Dvd-A to hear it ' proper ' :)

Remember me Lover is great too.....

Thanks Neil~ That would totally explain it. We were kind of resigned to typical lengthy setup times and this was nothing short of miraculous!
Looking forward to London in a couple of weeks . I had to return home last year for a family bereavement so gave my tix away so its been quite a while since I saw them live ( watched ' Arriving ...dvd last night though for a little refresher :D )

Cannot stop listening to The Incident , absolutely love it and really looking forward to Dvd-A to hear it ' proper ' :)

Remember me Lover is great too.....


I'll be at the Hammy Odeon too - it will never be the "HMV Apollo" to me, it will be the Hammersmith Odeon until the day they nail the lid down.

Don't stand under the balcony as it is a bass trap.
Maybe we could all meet up - those of us who are going - and sink a few bevvies Pre-Show? There are some good bars nearby
I'll be at the Hammy Odeon too - it will never be the "HMV Apollo" to me, it will be the Hammersmith Odeon until the day they nail the lid down.

Don't stand under the balcony as it is a bass trap.
Maybe we could all meet up - those of us who are going - and sink a few bevvies Pre-Show? There are some good bars nearby

Excellent idea !

We will only be arriving after lunchtime , dropping the bags and making our way in that direction .

I hope I'm not tempting the Gods but I wish seetickets would post mine soon as at Kentish Town a few years ago we had to q for 2 hours before the show to pick em up :mad:

This is probably a stupid question at this point but is there a "deluxe" version with just a CD/DVD and no other books. The only thing I can find around here is a 2cd set with no DVD included.
Not that stupid, but that's all for the moment, regular and the luxe edition. Waiting for the dvda, maybe at the end of the year, beginning 2010.
Thanks Hego, another stupid question (with the KC releases moving I've lost track of releases...) was there a 5.1 mix of this already released in DTS? It look sliek teh CD and a "deluxe" package with DTS was out on 9/11, is that right? Was the DTS version a limited edition? Sold Out? Sorry if this has been covered to death. To buy DTS now and wait for a DVD-A? That is the question...... John S.
Baltimore 9/25/09

What a fantastic performance (BY BOTH BANDS !!) Kings X rocked(y)

The crowd was very large and a mix of all backgrounds, ages, etc...

By now you have all heard the various setlists so I won't bother. I will say though that I was very pleased to hear Lazarus and Bonnie the Cat!

Steve Wilson was one busy guy as the equipment changes were numerous. Everyone was spot on and the sound was pristine. A shout out goes to John Wesley for handling much of the guitar work as SW switched around from instrument to instrument.
Maybe it was the venue but Richard Barbierie's boards and mixes were not as audible as I would have liked.
Folks, this tour is very well polished. You guy's across the lake are really going to love this.
I am sorry that it is over. The anticipation was alot of fun.
Come on DVDA 5.1!!!:smokin