Snood & Hurricane Dorian - Sorry Snood been a lil distracted & Busy this past week


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2K Club - QQ Super Nova
Staff member
Nov 8, 2013
So yeah as some of ya know, Snoodville is actually in Florida and at one time this week we had a Cat 5 hurricane heading for us and in fact the original cones had us in the center of the track at one time. Been busy trying to get hotel fro me and Momma Snood, been up like 6 AM for past 5 days, most days getting 3 or 4 hours sleep if that. Snood hasn't sweated so much in so lil time for ages. Up on the roof in the morning - yard work and other shit like packing and securing stuff. Put up Plywood Sunday.

SO yeah sorry not been around a bit - very freaking distracted and tired.

Not until say Saturday morning did it look like things were looking good, then they went back to crap a day later.

Today was like, ok let's wake up about 9 and see where it is headed, nope 6 AM and been up since checking every hour.......if anyone knows about cone trackers for hurricanes, ya cant trust them. So the worst is supposed to be about 2am and Snood will be up all night and most of morning and prob day. Snood not on the coast, they will have it a lot worse, but am close enough for it to be like.....ok stay east stay east - it moving NW and was supposed to take a NNW path earlier so the longer it goes NW the closer it come to Snood. Right now just saying some heavy wind guts with sustained kinda meh........but all that can change real quick

Know there are a few other Florida QQers and one in Daytona Beach which is very very close to the action. Hope you all stay safe and are able to come through this in a great to good way. :)

The Hurricane should be be past us by noon tomorrow me thinks :unsure:

WIll keep ya posted - shoulda posted this a few days ago - Hunker Down Florida QQers and be safe. Need all the QQers we can to keep Surround alive :love::LB
Snood, hopefully the brunt of the storm has passed. Been watching the news every day and following Dorian's destructive path. It's now a category 2 but could still do some serious damage to the Florida Coast. The Grand Bahamas, OTOH, will take years to recover.

Stay put and stay safe.

Nah still below us should be right up near us about 2am - be pulling an all nighter tonight til daylight and probably beyond. No drinking either :p

Just waiting for the Power to go out - which should be about the same time urrrrrrrrrrrrgh :rolleyes:
We were very lucky...i was really worried for awhile too...everyone here should be fine...feel so sorry for Bahamas

2004 was very scary...Jean was the scary one for me...went damn near a month with no elec then...never forget it charlie frances ivan n jean

Yeah 2004 was the major suck for sure - Irma was Suckyish too - we got lucky with Matthew, but never seen one like this - Hobie is right, stop dead in tracks and stay on one place over bahamas like that at our doorstep. Man oh man poor Bahamas.

Not a big fan of Florida but have to be here........thing about hurricanes is they take sooooooooooooo long to get where they are going and nobody really kind of knows for so long either. So the stress isn't over and done like other natural disasters so to is there it is and just watching for days hoping and praying.

It is odd and urrrrrrrrrrgh :mad:
Snood, let's just hope [and pray] that Hurricane Dorian doesn't sweep you away to the Steve Hoffman Forum!o_O

See the source image

Cause we love you a whole bunch at Q ā¤ Q!
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We are fortunate here in the UK, we don't suffer the extreme weather conditions that some folk do..we do get it bad occasionally but not on this scale.
Keep safe in the Snood family and everybody else.
I watch the events on the news and the devastation already caused in the Bahama's is horrific.
Something in the way she moves...šŸ¤