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Cats don't have owners; they have staff.

Yes but the notion that cats have no affection is one of the most egregious bits of disinformation in pet history.
As Caesar grew and before he was neutered, he would get out and carouse, of course, and get into fights.

One time he was gone for a few days and we thought he was gone for good. But, there he eventually showed up at the back door, completely beat up and with both forelegs infected and an infection above his right eye. We took him to the vet and he had to stay there about three days.

When my dad and I went to pick him up, he was SO happy to see us, he was going nuts in the car, ramming his head into my dad's face so hard, I had to hold him so my dad could drive whereby he started ramming his head into my face!

Yes but the notion that cats have no affection is one of the most egregious bits of disinformation in pet history.
As Caesar grew and before he was neutered, he would get out and carouse, of course, and get into fights.

One time he was gone for a few days and we thought he was gone for good. But, there he eventually showed up at the back door, completely beat up and with both forelegs infected and an infection above his right eye. We took him to the vet and he had to stay there about three days.

When my dad and I went to pick him up, he was SO happy to see us, he was going nuts in the car, ramming his head into my dad's face so hard, I had to hold him so my dad could drive whereby he started ramming his head into my face!

I’ve found that cats generally are affectionate. I think we’ve had ten over our marriage, sometimes four at a time. Most have been very cuddly, most liked to sit on out laps, most liked to sleep in our bed. I say most, because every cat has been unique.
My wife sent this to me a few days ago:

Albert Schweitzer (1875--1965) had a beloved cat called Sizi. When writing at his desk, she often liked to curl up on his left arm -- so rather than disturb her, the naturally left-handed Schweitzer struggled to write with his right hand. He said, "There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats."

I think this qualifies on both surround music & critter ends. Our cat was not very sociable but the one time she would come and sit with me was when I fired up the System of the Gods and started rocking.

It was even odder because she didn't like loud noises and my listening room regularly hits 85 db or more. But she would come in and hop on my lap or sit next to me and she became the #RockCat.

Good times


  • RockCat System of the Gods.jpeg
    RockCat System of the Gods.jpeg
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  • Rockcat Marillion Jester.jpg
    Rockcat Marillion Jester.jpg
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