Moody Blues "To Our Children's Children's Children" (New Stephen W Tayler 5.1 Mix!)


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In a previous post, I asked if anyone has ever noticed what sounds like a vinyl record scratch at the beginning of "Higher and Higher" about 30 seconds in. I just checked and it is around 22-24 seconds. And another "Question...", has anyone ever wondered why the SACD 5.1 releases are only quad? It seems that they put dummy channels in for a couple of the SACD's LFE and also center channels but basically, there is no sound.
I am hoping the new TOCCC is better than the SACD version and true 5.1...
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WOW is right! My favorite Moody Blues album. I have the last SACD multi-channel and could never figure out why I hear what sounds like a vinyl record scratch 30 something seconds into Higher and Higher...anybody else hear that?
I was intrigued enough by the new deluxe box to pull out my old SACD deluxe package and give it a listen. I have all 7 of the "classic" Moodys albums on SACD plus a couple of DTS CD's, but it's been years since I've heard them. I was pleasantly surprised to find the Children's surround mix a wonderful
listen - so good in fact I listened to it twice straight through. Every song is great and the combination of mellotron and orchestra is seamless. I can confirm that at the 24 second mark on Higher and Higher there is a single audible click, but having heard many digital needle drops and created quite a few myself, this sounds more like a tape glitch, or possibly some other digital hiccup rather than a vinyl scratch. Other than that single click which is easy to miss, I heard no other problems on the recording.

I also confirmed that the center channel is silent, and in looking at the notes on the album it states that the 5.1 was created directly from the original quad masters made when they first released the title in quad. So we have an authentic digital representation of the original quad release. I have to say it sounds fully immersive with plenty of activity in all 4 channels - voices and instruments can appear almost anywhere in the soundfield and occasionally there are swirling effects. I have no doubt that the new surround mix will be good, and perhaps the SQ will also be improved a bit, but I'm really happy with this surround mix and am unlikely to spend nearly a $100 to get another one. Maybe if it were Atmos...
I was intrigued enough by the new deluxe box to pull out my old SACD deluxe package and give it a listen. I have all 7 of the "classic" Moodys albums on SACD plus a couple of DTS CD's, but it's been years since I've heard them. I was pleasantly surprised to find the Children's surround mix a wonderful
listen - so good in fact I listened to it twice straight through. Every song is great and the combination of mellotron and orchestra is seamless. I can confirm that at the 24 second mark on Higher and Higher there is a single audible click, but having heard many digital needle drops and created quite a few myself, this sounds more like a tape glitch, or possibly some other digital hiccup rather than a vinyl scratch. Other than that single click which is easy to miss, I heard no other problems on the recording.

I also confirmed that the center channel is silent, and in looking at the notes on the album it states that the 5.1 was created directly from the original quad masters made when they first released the title in quad. So we have an authentic digital representation of the original quad release. I have to say it sounds fully immersive with plenty of activity in all 4 channels - voices and instruments can appear almost anywhere in the soundfield and occasionally there are swirling effects.
The SACD's sounded terrible... I didn't cast any votes... it is verboten on this group
The SACD's sounded terrible... I didn't cast any votes... it is verboten on this group
I ordered the SACD's years and years ago. I want to say from France? I have not had a listen in years though. I was never super impressed with the overall sound quality, IIRC. Just don't remember for sure right now. I may have posted in the threads.... But I was very pleased to have them at the time as I was just starting to rebuild my surround collection (formerly quad). I never had any MB quads.
I didn't cast any votes... it is verboten on this group
You're welcome to cast whatever vote you like.

I don't think any of the Moodies SACDs sound great either, the quad mixes were hit hard with noise reduction and the rear channels lowered to varying degrees.
…I was never super impressed with the overall sound quality, IIRC. Just don't remember for sure right now. I may have posted in the threads.... But I was very pleased to have them at the time as I was just starting to rebuild my surround collection (formerly quad). I never had any MB quads.
You're welcome to cast whatever vote you like.

I don't think any of the Moodies SACDs sound great either, the quad mixes were hit hard with noise reduction and the rear channels lowered to varying degrees.
Compared to the red book CDs, the quads and especially TOCCC, blow them away. The Muddy Blues classic seven stereo versions sound like one is sitting on a mountain top while the band is playing on another.

And yes, rear channels lowered to varying degrees is indeed a problem with the SACD quads; but DAWs come to the rescue.
I thought the Moodies SACDs were OK, not great, not terrible.
But I was focused on the 2.0, is it the multichannel that sounds crappy?
I liked the original SACDs. Pretty darn good IMHO. But - its a given that Stephen W. T will far better the original Children SACD I cant wait to hear...
I thought the Moodies SACDs were OK, not great, not terrible.
But I was focused on the 2.0, is it the multichannel that sounds crappy?
The stereo is highly compressed, unfortunately. The multichannel uses the original quadraphonic mixes manipulated into 5.1 by summing LF and RF into the center channel at a low volume and crossing over the lowest frequencies from all full-range channels into the LFE. Additionally, the level of the rear channels was lowered as compared to the original quadraphonic LP/tape releases. The multichannel mastering may or may not be as loud as for the stereo. All in all, a disappointing rerelease series, as far as sound quality is concerned.
Ordered from Amazon UK. About $101. I became a Grandfather today ( 1st one ), So how appropriate. 🥃 🥃
Congratulations, Mike, or should I say Grandpa?
A blessing for your entire family, indeed.

Grandparents get to watch their Grandchildren behaving just as their parents did when they were small. Mom & Dad can feel just as you once did. Meanwhile, Grandpa is doing fun stuff with the Grandkid(s.)

PS: congrats on a great purchase, too!