The Official QQ NFL Tailgate Thread


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week 4 is done - kinda / sorta
RickiThoughts -

MarkieNiners - wow. top of the heap in Ricki opinion. Balance on both sides. We will have to wait until post season to see the Christian fed to the Lions
CJ Stroud - another RickiPicks disaster. The kid is good. Real good. Ricki needs to apologize and shut up
The Bills - who 'dem ? Ricki thought they were past prime. They made a statement
Lions - still not firing on all cylinders. When will we see a Complete game ?
KC - hmm....Ricki is perplexed. Winning but - Seems like something needs to be fixed. Better hurry and do it Swift
Jets - is there hope ?
Baltomore* - O is looking good. In the game and in the name
Eagles - whodathunk ? Seems to be a few weak spots...not as invincible as Ricki thought
Bears - nothing need be said here. Ricki knows what its like to be pathetic
Pats - crash and burn Bill. Tom is available
Cinci - whats happened ?
Vikings - whats happened Part 2 ?
Keith Richards - he and Ricki agree

* copyright

Speaking of the "O", you can always tell how many people in the stands are from Baltimore at any sporting event by listening to the national anthem. When the line "O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave", everyone from Baltimore in the stands yells "O" as loud as they can. It's an Orioles thing.
week 4 is done - kinda / sorta
RickiThoughts -

The Bills - who 'dem ? Ricki thought they were past prime. They made a statement
This is approaching the peak for the Bills, not the other way. -CBS ™️
Some pics from my seat at Levis.
If you look at end score, 35-16, you would think blow out, yes true but that didn't happen until the 4th quarter. In the 3rd quarter we only had a 5 point lead and you could see the Cardinals thought, hey we can beat the Niners, but then it slipped away.
On Sunday against the Arizona Cardinals, McCaffery cemented himself in team history by overtaking Hall of Fame wide receiver Jerry Rice's streak of 12-consecutive games with one-or-more touchdowns from the 1987 season.
Now after 4-0 there is some good tape and the Cowboys will have good film on us. Sunday night will be rowdy to say the least.
Niners play the hated Cowboys. If you can find it watch NFL Films two part documentary called A Tale Of Two Cities, that tells the story.


Week 5 is coming. The games of intrigue IMHO
The most obvious - as Markie mentioned above - his Niners versus the Cowgirls. I may have to lobby to take Monday off and stay up and watch this dawgfight. Be a helluva game. Markie - NO PRISONERS !!!

KC - Minni - this one - on paper - is one sided. RickiPicks thinks otherwise. And its at Minni
Philly at LA Rams - Rams are kind of surprising. Lets see which Eagles team shows up
Jets - Broncos - the battle of the oneandthrees.

For whatever reason, in this video Nick Lowe reminds me of Aaron Rodgers. 😵‍💫

KC - Minni - this one - on paper - is one sided. RickiPicks thinks otherwise. And its at Minni
Mahomes and Co. play down to the level of their competition.

Niners versus the Cowgirls
Niners all the way!!!!

Jets - Broncos - the battle of the oneandthrees.
Should be an interesting matchup with both teams / coaches under duress.
KC - Minni - this one - on paper - is one sided. RickiPicks thinks otherwise. And its at Minni
Mahomes and Co. play down to the level of their competition.

Its a gut feel here. Minni HAS to go and prove something ASAP. There is a lot of anger in that locker room. We will see if they can man up, come together and work as a team or if the locker room anger is worse - division and agendas
Week 5 is coming. The games of intrigue IMHO
The most obvious - as Markie mentioned above - his Niners versus the Cowgirls. I may have to lobby to take Monday off and stay up and watch this dawgfight. Be a helluva game. Markie - NO PRISONERS !!!

KC - Minni - this one - on paper - is one sided. RickiPicks thinks otherwise. And its at Minni
Philly at LA Rams - Rams are kind of surprising. Lets see which Eagles team shows up
Jets - Broncos - the battle of the oneandthrees.
I like Dallas. (don't repeat)
week 4 is done - kinda / sorta
RickiThoughts -

MarkieNiners - wow. top of the heap in Ricki opinion. Balance on both sides. We will have to wait until post season to see the Christian fed to the Lions
CJ Stroud - another RickiPicks disaster. The kid is good. Real good. Ricki needs to apologize and shut up
The Bills - who 'dem ? Ricki thought they were past prime. They made a statement
Lions - still not firing on all cylinders. When will we see a Complete game ?
KC - hmm....Ricki is perplexed. Winning but - Seems like something needs to be fixed. Better hurry and do it Swift
Jets - is there hope ?
Baltomore* - O is looking good. In the game and in the name
Eagles - whodathunk ? Seems to be a few weak spots...not as invincible as Ricki thought
Bears - nothing need be said here. Ricki knows what its like to be pathetic
Pats - crash and burn Bill. Tom is available
Cinci - whats happened ?
Vikings - whats happened Part 2 ?
Keith Richards - he and Ricki agree

* Copyright
Ricky, what about the Packers? Did you forget them or what....
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When I look at the standings I see overall there are many teams lagging so far this year, including two 0-4 teams, Bears and Panthers.
The AFC South all 2-2.
NFC East and West, exactly the same.
The good news is we have lots of American Football (for all you football fans in other parts of the world) left for what we see today to be completely different 4 weeks from now, not to mention by end of season.
Last night, geez, upcoming Thursday night, I don't expect much. Word on the street, Sunday's Cowboys at 49ers may reach TV ratings close to Super Bowl ratings.
Will you be at the game, Mark?
Oh yeah.
As a season ticket holder, we of course pay a flat fee for the year.
My neighbors sitting behind me asked me the same thing, and I was shocked to hear they are not coming because the seats have so much value to them.
I always thought they where just equal in price, but according to him each game has different value per game, even though, you just pay one price.
Anyway, doesn't matter, guaranteed a lot of Cowboy fans will be there, I only hope, a drunk fan of any sort is not next to me and no fights next to me.
Last week I just had a couple of Pepsi's, I'll probably have a cocktail at this game.
Do to fighting, they talked about limiting alcohol sales, how are they going to do that? They do stop selling alcohol end of 3rd quarter.
But I think they found a way, my daughter last week got a regular size plastic cup beer, $24.00, you got to be kidding.
My one and only objective is to watch football, drinking alcohol is minimum at best.
I always like to see the people who drink so much during pregame tail gate, that by middle of first quarter they are asleep in there seat.